13 Easy & Cool Vape Tricks With Thc Vape

Vaping is the cool new kid on the block, giving smokers a healthier high-five while they kick the habit.
It's not just about the buzz, it's a whole party trick extravaganza!
Imagine the 'oohs' and 'aahs' as you whip out your vape pen and transform a simple puff into a swirling tornado of vapor or a cascading waterfall of clouds.
It's like a mini Cirque du Soleil for your smoke circle.
Understanding Vape Pens

Vape pens are electronic devices that vaporize e-liquid or oils to create inhalable vapor.
They are compact, portable, and easy to use.
Vape pens consist of a battery, a heating element, and a tank or cartridge to hold the e-liquid.
They are available in different styles, sizes, and colors, and can be customized with various accessories.
More info about vape pen: Dab Pen vs Vape Pen: What's the Difference?
How to do Vape Tricks?

Before you start practicing your vape pen tricks, it's advisable to minimize any sources of wind in the room.
This means you should shut your windows, switch off any fans, and disable your air conditioning.
The less air movement, the higher the likelihood of successfully performing your tricks.
Here are some of the most popular vape pen tricks and how to do them.
1. The Ghost Inhale Vape Trick
To initiate the Ghost Inhale routine—also called the Snap Inhale, Mushroom Cloud, or "Smoke Ghosting"—take a long drag from your vape pen and allow the vapor to disperse in your mouth.
Holding the vapor is essential and you cannot inhale it into your lungs. The next step is forming it into a little ball in your mouth by puffing out your cheeks and sucking them back in.
Then simply push the vapor ball out of your mouth slowly and softly with your tongue or exhale. At this point, you don’t want to expel 'hard.'
Finally, the instant the vapor ball appears outside your mouth, inhale it back in.
This all gets timed in that last step.
2. French Inhale
The French Inhale is a super easy vape trick that also has a really cool reverse waterfall effect.
To get started, take a hit from your vape, and hold the vapor in your cheeks.
Next, simply allow your mouth to open and allow the vapor to flow out as if it were falling.
Then when it reaches the point in which it is descending downward, you can inhale it through your nose, which creates an effect.
The timing is the essential key; this has to all happen at a slow pace, timing the slow exhale with the inhaling through your nose.
If you find that your nasal inhalation is uncomfortable, there are other tricks that you could utilize that are not nasal dependent for the web.
3. The Dragon
The Dragon vape trick mimics a dragon breathing fire.
To do it, take a long drag from your vape and hold the vapor in your mouth without letting it into your lungs.
Keep the middle of your mouth closed and the sides open.
Then, exhale forcefully, releasing vapor through your nose and the sides of your mouth simultaneously.
This will create the effect of vapor streaming out like a dragon's breath.
4. Blowing Rings
Blowing 'O's or smoke rings is a cool, intermediate-level vape trick.
Start by taking a deep drag of vapor and holding it in your throat with your tongue positioned at the bottom and back of your mouth.
Shape your lips into an 'O'—not too big or too small.
Keep the vapor at the back of your throat for better control.
To form the rings, exhale using short, pulsing motions, like a gentle cough, to push the vapor out in small bursts, creating the 'O' shapes.
5. The Waterfall
To create the Waterfall vape trick, start by selecting a clear glass or container with ice at the bottom to condense the vapor for a better visual effect.
Take a deep hit from your vape pen and slowly exhale the vapor into the glass near the ice.
The cold will make the vapor dense and "watery." Once the glass is filled with thick vapor, gently tip it over to let the vapor pour out slowly, creating a waterfall effect.
The key is to pour the vapor out gently to keep the effect smooth and controlled, making it a great trick to impress your friends.
6. The Bane
The Bane vape trick, inspired by the Batman villain and building on the French Inhale, creates a cool mask-like effect.
Start by mastering the French Inhale.
Then, take a deep hit from your vape pen and hold the vapor in your mouth without inhaling it into your lungs.
Push your lower jaw forward and raise your tongue to lift the vapor upwards.
Breathe through your nose while keeping your jaw and tongue in position.
As you gradually lift your jaw, the vapor will flow through your teeth, creating the Bane effect with wisps of vapor resembling Bane's mask.
7. Vape Bubbles
To execute the Vape Bubble, begin by drawing a prolonged drag from your vape pen, so as to obtain sufficient vapor.
Next, construct a bubble mixture, by pouring soap and water into a cup.
Exhale the vapor into the bubble mixture, and you will obtain a vapor mixture.
Dip the straw or bubble wand into the mixture, then gently blow into the bubble wand to create a bubble filled with vapor.
The bubble will float away, thus creating a mesmerizing effect.
8. Triangles
Before you start attempting to make triangles, ensure to practice and be skilled at blowing smoke rings, since the trick will rely on you blowing smoke rings properly.
Start by exhaling a perfect smoke ring.
Once it is out of your mouth, immediately and lightly tap one side of the ring with your hand.
Timing and a light tap are important so the vapor will not escape while you change the shape.
9. Potion
This is a fun, scientific spin on the tornado trick.
Chill a glass or cup by placing it in the freezer, or leave some liquids cold at the bottom of a cup.
Before attempting the trick, pull a deep hit from your vapor pen, then hold in to fill your lungs.
With your mouth just above the rim of your glass or cup, slowly exhale your vapor.
As the vapor escapes, it will settle onto the cold surface, making for a very thick fog cum cloud that hovers above the liquid.
The way the vapors will pile on top of the liquid is almost eerie.
10. The Jellyfish
The Jellyfish, also known as the Atomic Bomb, is an advanced vape trick where you blow a small smoke ring through a larger one, creating the appearance of a jellyfish swimming in midair.
Start by mastering smoke rings, then focus on your aim.
First, blow the larger ring, and then carefully blow a smaller ring through it.
Perfecting this trick may take practice and some vape juice, but the result is worth it.
11. Bow tie
The Bow Tie trick is an advanced technique that builds on your ability to blow smoke rings.
Start by blowing a perfect "O" shape. Then, quickly pull your hands apart to create a burst of wind that transforms the ring into a bow tie shape.
This is a challenging trick and might take time to master, but with practice and skill-building from other tricks, it's an achievable goal.
12. Liquid mist
This trick is a great example of something that looks impressive but is surprisingly easy.
Simply take a big hit from your vape, then exhale the vapor slowly and evenly from your mouth or nose.
As the vapor curls out over the tabletop, it will create a spooky-looking cloud effect before it dissipates.
13. Vape Bending
This technique isn't a single trick but a genre of advanced tricks where you use your hands and breath to shape your vape clouds.
By spinning your hand in a circle or moving it in different directions, you can create swirling or directional effects with your vapor.
More advanced users can even shape the vapor into coils or triangles. To see clear results, make sure you use a vape device that produces thick smoke.
A final bit of Vape Pen for Tricks advice, When doing vape tricks, prioritize safety by maintaining equipment hygiene, using appropriate gear, moderating vapor intake, being mindful of your environment, preventing overcharging, and ensuring optimal performance through regular cleaning, routine charging, proper storage, timely part replacement, and using high-quality e-liquid.