Are Nicotine Free Vapes Safe? Where to Buy them?

While most vaping involves nicotine consumption, many vapers are looking to gradually reduce or eliminate nicotine from their life.
zero-nicotine vape is the favorite method of those looking to enjoy the vape experience without the negative effects of nicotine.
There are also hobbyists who chase clouds with ultra-low and zero nicotine vape juice.
Nicotine free vape juice and zero nicotine disposable vapes are growing popularity as a result.
Are nicotine free vapes safe? Are they a healthier alternative to nicotine vapes? Are there any potential risks?
If you are curious about the safety, addictiveness, and how non-nicotine vapes affect your life, please read on to get plenty of information about that.
What is Nicotine? and its side effects?

Nicotine is a highly addictive stimulant found in tobacco and vaping devices.
After vaping or smoking, Nicotine (NIK-eh-teen) is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream and enters the brain where it drives the release of dopamine, a chemical that signals pleasure.
People who regularly use tobacco or vape can become dependent on nicotine. If you stop using it suddenly, this can lead to withdrawal symptoms.
In case of nicotine overdose, There is an increased risk of cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal disorders.
Nicotine is harmful to developing brains (under 25) and its use during adolescence can disrupt the formation of brain circuits that control attention, learning, and susceptibility to addiction.
What is a Nicotine-Free Vape?

A Nicotine-Free vape is a vaporizer device with no nicotine in e-juice. This means that the vape is not chemically addictive in a nicotine way.
The specific components of e-liquids vary among brands and products. The base liquid is generally a blend of water, vegetable glycerine, and propylene glycol.
Manufacturers then add different flavorings or additives to this mixture to create a particular flavor.
For those only concerned with taste, and possibly the ritual of vaping, non-nicotine vapes are the way to go.
Many people are “flavor chasers” who just vape for the pleasure of the flavors, or in some cases, for the fun of blowing clouds.
Another major advantage of nicotine-free vaping is that it is one of the cheapest types of vaping.
Are Nicotine Free Vapes Safe?

A nicotine-free vape is technically healthier or safer than vapes contain nicotine since it doesn't lead to nicotine addiction, but they still have some significant health concerns.
Nicotine is a highly addictive substance. When you remove Nicotine from the e-juice, your chances of dependency immediately get lower.
Additionally, Nicotine free vapes offer users the option to enjoy the sensory aspects of vaping without the potential addiction and health risks associated with nicotine consumption.
However, Nicotine-free vapes are not completely safe or risk-free. It could damage health by irritating the lungs and throat and introducing various harmful chemicals and additives present in e-liquids into the body.
Nicotine-free vape fluid has been demonstrated to have the same chemical composition (PG, VG, additives, and flavorings) as nicotine-containing fluid except for the absence of nicotine.
Vapes elicit adverse health effects through direct contact of aerosols with tissues or cells in the oral cavity and lung or through systemic effects on multiple organs.
The aerosol may still contain harmful substances, including ultra fine particles, heavy metals (like nickel, tin and lead), and dangerous flavorings called diacetyl, volatile organic compounds (acetaldehyde, acrolein, and formaldehyde), etc.
These toxin substances can cause side effects such as throat and mouth irritation, headache, cough, lung diseases and feeling sick.
Finally, the long-term effects of vaping are still not fully understood, as the practice has not been around long enough to gather comprehensive data.
The 3 Side Effects of Vaping Without Nicotine

Some of the potential short-term side effects of nicotine-free vaping are described below.
1. Lung and throat Irritation
inhaling any cocktail of chemicals instead of clean air cannot be safe for your body.
When heated, two components - PG & VG in vape juice may irritate the mouth and airways. This can cause a persistent cough, and increase the risk of lung infections.
2. Inflammation
It's possible vaping can cause an inflammatory response in immune system even without nicotine.
An inflammatory response that may be most prominent with vaping is within the lungs or throat. Heavy use of vaping could cause an inflammatory response throughout the body.
3. Toxicity
The liquid and vapour contain some potentially harmful chemicals, such as diacetyl, heavy metals, and volatile organic compounds. This may have toxic effects on the body.
Exposure to e-cigarette vapor or these harmful chemicals can impaire the activity of alveolar macrophages.
The affected cells reside in your lungs and defend your body against toxins, infectious particles, and allergens in the air you breathe.
Additionally, Exposure to flavouring chemicals and additives in electronic cigarettes also harm blood vessel cells in the heart.
These cells are well-known for playing a role in long-term heart health.
The death of these cells can lead to vascular conditions, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease.
Do Nicotine Free Vapes help You Quit Smoking?

Vaping is a safer alternative to Smoking, it is regarded as being at least 95% less harmful than cigarettes.
The primary benefits of vaping (with nicotine) are to allow current smokers to get nicotine more safely, and to deflect potential smokers from a more harmful habit.
The ingredients in nicotine-free vapes will not help you lessen your dependency on nicotine. But the act of using a zero-nic vape can help satisfy that pesky oral fixation.
A nicotine-free vape allows users to reduce their nicotine consumption. This will help you quit smoking eventually and greatly improve your overall health.
Three of the most popular methods of nicotine replacement therapy are the nicotine patches, gums, and lozenges. You can use one of them in combination with nicotine-free vape to quit smoking.
The success of quitting vaping with nicotine-free vapes may vary from person to person. Factors such as individual motivation, support systems, and the duration and intensity of vaping habits can all influence the effectiveness of this method.
Where to buy Nicotine Free Vapes?

No-nicotine vapes come in a wide variety of flavors and types to cater to diverse preferences and vaping experiences.
You can buy them from specialist vape shops, some pharmacies and other retailers, or on the internet.
Generally speaking, It’s harder to find nicotine free vape or juice in local vape shops or gas station, but easy to order online. These places sell e-liquid or vapes specifically for the nicotine.
Just about anywhere online that sells disposable vapes and e-liquid will have “0 mg” as an option this means zero milligrams of nicotine per milliliter.
If you get the 0mg juice, then you can vape 0mg juice in any vape mod, even those that are sold as salt-nic devices, it still works just the same.
Ensure that you’re buying from a reputable brand, vape store or smoke shop to avoid product quality issues.
Zero nicotine vapes can be considered a safer alternative to cigarettes or vapes that contain nicotine, particularly for individuals who are trying to quit nicotine altogether.
However, The aerosol of Zero nicotine vapes can still contain harmful substances, which may have particularly harmful effects on your lung and body.
It's essential to approach them with caution and be aware of the potential health risks. The best way to avoid health risks and side effects is to not vape at all.
If you have never vaped before and also never picked up and used a cigarette, don’t try either now or ever. Both carry risks for different reasons.
Also Read: Is Vaping a Sin? Yes or No