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Does weed make you horny?


does weed make you horny

Have you ever lit up a joint and found yourself aroused afterward?

Historically, and among different cultures, cannabis has been suspected to have an aphrodisiac effect increasing desire and sexual arousal among individuals.

You Can Get 'High'

It’s why most people try marijuana. The main psychoactive ingredient, THC, stimulates the part of your brain that responds to pleasure, like food and sex. 

That unleashes a chemical called dopamine, which gives you a euphoric, relaxed feeling. 

It's simply wonderful to smoke from a bong at night. Imagine smoking a bong with your loved one at night, it's a wonderful feeling.

Sex on Cannabis

smoking Cannabis from a bong can make you feel horny, increase your sense of touch and lower your inhibitions. 

If you take too much tranquilizing effect get in the way. Orgasms may seem weaker but more sensual and not just felt in the dick. 

There can be a stronger sense of connection to who you’re with, with sex being more touchy-feely.

But the drug can also make people feel withdrawn and less interested in sex.

If you smoke it with tobacco, you have the same long-term higher risk of erection problems that cigarette smokers have.

Marijuana affects libido

People who use marijuana may have more sex because don’t have the same anxiety as those who are sober when they are high, which helps people relax, heightens their sensitivity to touch, and increases the intensity of feelings, thus enhancing their sexual experience.

Marijuana affects libido

Research evidence

The latest study, which asked women who use marijuana about their sexual experiences, found that more frequent cannabis use was associated with heightened arousal, stronger orgasms, and greater sexual satisfaction in general.

“Our results demonstrate that increasing frequency of cannabis use is associated with improved sexual function and is associated with increased satisfaction, orgasm, and sexual desire, ”says the new study published in the journal Sexual Medicine.

Yet another study, however, cautions that more marijuana doesn’t necessarily mean better sex. A literature review published last year found that cannabis’s impact on libido may depend on dosage, with lower amounts of THC correlating with the highest levels of arousal and satisfaction.

What happens in the brain when you get horny?

The way that sexual desire is mediated is still not fully understood, since the regulation is made up of complex interactions between different parts of the nervous system, the endocrine system, and genetic factors. 

It’s just a lot, and scientists are still trying to figure out the way all of these pieces come together. And though the visible results of sexual arousal depend on the person’s biological sex, we know that the neural mechanisms of desire, arousal, and orgasm are the same regardless of it.

Is Marijuana an Aphrodisiac?

Some studies have found People who use weed have more sex. 

A study of 50,000 survey respondents published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found a positive association between marijuana use and how often people were having sex. 

In other words, using weed correlates with increased sexual frequency. The findings applied to both men and women, in all demographic groups. 

People who have sex while using marijuana say the sex is better — sometimes. 

A smaller survey of 200 participants showed that half of marijuana users consumed weed to alter their sexual experience, with many (but not quite most) saying that it improved their sexual experience some or all of the time.

 Is Marijuana an Aphrodisiac

Does Weed Make Men or Women More Aroused?

The studies show pretty clearly that both men and women see a marked increase in sexual arousal and satisfaction when weed is thrown into the mix. This could be to do with the fact that cannabis is known to increase blood flow and release oxytocin - both key components in sexual pleasure. cannabis' ability to reduce anxiety and stress can be hugely beneficial in the bedroom.

the dosage is key, as is finding the right strain. Everybody reacts differently to different types of weed - and if you're not feeling the right effects, it may be worth swapping out your chosen strain for something that you find works better for you.

everyone has different reactions to cannabis and sex - and what works for one person might not work for another. 

But it is clear that done correctly, cannabis can have a hugely positive effect on bedroom activities - leading to heightened orgasmic experiences, and an increased ability to relax and focus.

How do find the best way to get that perfect feel?

Firstly, it is important to consider the method of consumption - while smoking or vaping provides a quick hit, edibles and capsules take a much longer time to kick in. 

This could be beneficial for those looking for a more gradual buildup of stimulation, but it does come with the risk of overdoing it if you don't quite know your limits.

It is important to consider the amount that you are taking - a very small amount can provide stimulation, focus, and relaxation, while too much will take you away from the moment. 

Finding the perfect balance between being present and relaxed can take some practice, so it is important to start small and work up as you get to know your body's limits. 

Keep in mind that cannabis is not for everyone - if you are the type of person that reacts negatively to weed then it's probably best to steer clear of it in the bedroom. 

But for those who find their eyes fluttering, bodies tingling, and minds racing with pleasure - cannabis can be the ideal addition and can truly spice things up.