How Long Does a Weed High Last? The Ultimate Guide

Cannabis impacts everyone differently, but a typical “high” involves feelings of euphoria, relaxation, and creativity. It can also cause side effects, like increased heart rate and dry mouth.
How long does a cannabis high last? This is a question that many new or inexperienced cannabis users ask, and it is a topic of much debate.
The duration of a cannabis high is not just a matter of curiosity but also essential for ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience.
In this article, you will learn the science behind weed high, the factors that determine its length, and how you can prolong or decrease it.
How does cannabis get you high?

While cannabis plants are known to produce at least 140 types of cannabinoids, there's one that's largely responsible for many of the effects of feeling high. It's called tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC.
When a person smokes or inhales cannabis, THC "goes into your lungs and gets absorbed … into the blood," .
Edible cannabis travels first to your stomach then to your liver before getting into your bloodstream and brain. The liver converts THC into a stronger form.
THC in the blood is transported to the brain where it excites some special receptor of the endocannabinoid system.
This system is a large collection of receptors, lipids, and enzymes that influence how the body responds to THC. By binding to the CB1 and CB2 receptors of the endocannabinoid system, THC effectively initiates an episode of ‘High’ .
How Long Does Weed High Last?
Every person is different , and the length of a weed high will depend on a wide variety of factors.
The primary factor that will determine how long your high lasts is the method of consumption.
1. Smoking or Vaping Cannabis

After the initial hit, it takes about 3–7 minutes for you to feel high.
The effects will peak about 10 to 30 minutes after smoking or vaping weed and will typically last 1 to 3 hours.
However, the high can linger for up to 8 hours if you are using a high percentage THC strain or Cannabis oil.
2. Dabbing Concentrates

The effects of dabbing concentrates will kick in almost right away that within seconds, peak actions at 15 - 60 minutes after consumption, and the duration is between 1-3 hours.
However, if you are entirely new to dabbing, you could feel the effects for up to 8-10 hours.
Explore more about high last from vaping weed: How Long Does the High from Weed Vape Pen Last?
3. Eating Edibles

Eating cannabis edibles has a much slower onset. It can take between 30 minutes to 1 hour or more to feel the effects.
The highs of edibles usually peak about 2 hours after you consume weed this way and can last up to 10 hours depending on how much THC was used to make the edible.
more details about How Long Does an Edible Last?
4. Ingesting Tinctures or Oils

The duration of the effects produced by cannabis oils and tinctures can depend on exactly how they are used.
If you place Tinctures or oils under your tongue, It typically take effect within 15-30 minutes and the effects can last for 2-3 hours.
However, if you swallow most of the Tinctures instead of absorbing it sublingually, you can expect a longer-lasting experience as it is processed slowly by your stomach like an edible would be.
What factors affect how long a weed high lasts?

Several factors determine the duration of the high you get from weed. These factors include:
1. Dose
The amount of cannabis consumed is directly proportional to the duration of its effects.
Higher doses generally lead to longer-lasting highs.
2. Method of Consumption
The mode of cannabis consumption is a significant determinant of both the onset and duration of its effects.
Smoking or vaping provides a quick start, typically within minutes, as THC enters the bloodstream rapidly through the lungs.
Dabbing, involving vaporizing cannabis concentrates, is notable for its rapid onset and potent effects, usually more robust and longer-lasting than smoking flower.
Eating edibles, which involve THC being absorbed through the digestive system, have a delayed onset.
3. Metabolism
Your metabolism plays a significant role in determining how quickly you process and eliminate THC.
If you have a faster metabolism, you may process THC quickly, leading to a shorter high; if you have a slower metabolism, the effects will likely linger.
4. Tolerance
Frequent cannabis users can become less sensitive to its effects over time due to the body developing a tolerance.
If you smoke weed daily, you may notice the need to consume more of it to achieve the same high you felt in your first session.
5. Different Strains
Besides THC, cannabis contains numerous other compounds like CBD, terpenes, and flavonoids, each contributing to the plant’s overall effect – a phenomenon known as the entourage effect.
Different strains have varying compositions of these compounds, which can influence the duration and nature of the high.
6. Endocannabinoid System
The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is a biological system composed of endocannabinoids, including 2 primary cannabinoid receptors: CB1 and CB2.
The 2 cannabinoid receptors interacts with THC to produce psychoactive effects.
Everyone has different amounts of cannabinoid receptors that vary with both our genetics and frequency of use.
So, the effects of marijuana will vary from person to person, even when using the same method and dose.
7. Food and Alcohol
External factors like food and alcohol intake can significantly impact the duration and intensity of a weed high.
Consuming cannabis on an empty stomach may lead to a faster onset but potentially a shorter duration, as the body processes cannabinoids more swiftly.
Conversely, ingesting cannabis alongside a meal, especially one rich in fats, can delay the onset and prolong the experience.
Alcohol, when combined with cannabis, can intensify the effects, affecting both the duration of the high and the user's overall experience.
How to Stay High Longer?
Opt for edibles: If you want to increase the length of your high, opt for an edible as these produce longer-lasting effects.
Up your dose: Try taking more cannabis before your high has worn off. However, it may not be the best strategy.
Experiment with potency products: If You Want a Longer High, Consider Using Higher-Potency Products like Concentrates or specific strains like Indica strains.
Six Side Effects of Being too high

When you consume too much THC and get too high, you’ll find that the unpleasant feelings far outweigh the typical mood and emotions produced by cannabis.
Some negative side effects of being high include:
1. Anxiety, panic, and paranoia
2. Impaired judgment and coordination
3. Fear and distrust
4. Hallucinations where you see, hear, or feel things that are not really there
5. Delusions where you think things that are not true
6. Feeling like you are going crazy or do not recognize yourself.
How to decrease a weed high and sober up?

Depending on your situation, you may want to sober up and get unhigh from cannabis quickly, then there are a few actions you can take.
1. Sleep
Sleep has a wonderful way of resetting our energy levels and mental state.
This will give your body a chance to process the weed so you can wake up feeling better.
2. Drink Water
Keeping hydrated will help speed up your body’s natural detoxification process, meaning some cannabis compounds may exit your system faster. Water can also reduce uncomfortable side effects such as dry mouth.
Alternatively, take a shower or cold bath to help you to feel more alert and refreshed.
3. Sniff or chew some black peppers
Another popular food to try is black pepper because of the caryophyllene compound, which is a potent CB2 antagonist.
CB2 is a receptor in our endocannabinoid system. Caryophyllene boosts the sedating effects of THC, helping you to feel more chill and relaxed.
4. Take some CBD
CBD interacts with different receptors in your brain than THC. This helps to counteract the THC buzz, helping you calm down and feel less high.
More details about THC vs CBD Comparison.
5. Eat Food
Eating food can reduce the intensity of a weed high. This is especially true if you’re on an empty stomach.
Having food in our digestive system may reduce the severity of the high and result in a faster comedown.
How Long Does Cannabis Stay In Your System?

Just because your high wears off doesn’t mean that the cannabinoids have completely left your system.
In fact, THC metabolites can still be detected in urine for weeks after you last ingested cannabis, especially if you are a heavy user.
If you only occasionally ingest cannabis you can usually expect cannabis to clear your system within 30 days.
The effects of cannabis can last anywhere from 3 to 12 hours depending heavily on your consumption method, THC dose, and individual body response.
Additionally, Cannabis affects everyone differently, so it’s hard to predict exactly how long you’ll feel the effects.
Starting with a low dose and less potent strain can help keep you from getting too high, whereas opting for edibles and high dose will help to extend things a bit.
Most of the time, all of your symptoms will go away once the high wears off.
But if you’re experiencing chest pain, trouble breathing, extreme anxiety, psychosis, or are in any physical danger, you should call 911 or go to your nearest emergency room.