How Long Does THC Stay in System from Weed Pen?


People can use weed pens to vape cannabis oils and waxy concentrates. They usually contain potent amounts of THC, the chemical in cannabis that makes you feel intoxicated.

Drug tests look for THC and its byproducts — called metabolites — that remain in your system long after you use cannabis.

However, many users wonder how long the THC from these weed pens stays in their system.

In this post, we will help you understand the duration of THC in your body from weed pen and how you can detoxify it by various means.

What Happens to Your Body after Vaping Marijuana?

When you vape marijuana through a weed pen, THC quickly passes from your lungs into your bloodstream.

Your blood carries THC to the brain and other organs, where it causes many reactions, including behavioral as well as emotional changes.

The effects of THC Vape Pen consumed via vape typically kick in within just a few minutes of inhalation.

The high reaches its zenith around 20 to 30 minutes post-inhalation, signifying the most intense phase of the experience.

The effects can persist for a duration of 2 to 3 hours, offering detection windows of altered perception and relaxation. But THC can still stay in your system even if the high diminishes.

THC can be detected in the blood, brain, urine, saliva and fat after vaping.

How Long Does THC Stay in System from Weed Pen?

THC is a highly fat-soluble compound, has a very long half-life—the amount of time it takes the concentration of THC in the body to decrease by half.

The half-life was 1.3 days for individuals who infrequently used marijuana. More frequent use showed a half-life of somewhere between 5 and 13 days.

Note that doubling a substance’s half-life won’t give an accurate estimate of when it will be fully eliminated by the body. It will take closer to 5–6 half-lives to filter out a drug completely.

How often you vape, how much you vape, your body weight, and the speed of your metabolism all play a role in how long it will take for your body to fully process and eliminate THC.

Since THC concentration is high in weed pens, you can expect it to linger in the system for longer than when consuming marijuana in other ways.

Generally speaking, 48 hours after vaping cannabis, most of the THC has been moved away from the blood, brain and saliva, but are increasing in concentration in fat.

Around 50 - 90% of THC and other cannabinoids are excreted from your body in the first 4 or 5 days. 80% of this excretion is via feces, with only trace amounts in the urine.

THC in fat continues to heighten, and only begins to subside slowly after roughly 10 days.

THC generally takes a full 30 days to fully metabolize, but can remain in trace amounts for up to 90 days, notably in hair follicles.

8 Main Factors that Influence How Long THC in System

The amount of time THC remains in your system depends on many factors, such as how much THC is in the oil or concentrates, how often you use, how much you use, your metabolism, Body Fat and more.

1. Dosage

The more THC you consume, the longer it will take your body to break down and eventually eliminate it from your system.

Marijuana flower can contain as much as 30% tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), while oil and concentrates contain at least 60% THC, with some having over 90% THC.

2. Frequency of Use

Basically, the THC doesn’t get flushed out as fast as you’re consuming it, leading to a buildup of toxins, which results in reaching a higher toxicity level.

The less often you use the quicker it will leave your system, heavy daily users take more time to clear than occasional users.

3. Method of Consumption

The method of consumption can also affect how long Delta 8 stays in the system. For example, inhalation of THC, such as through vaping, can result in a faster onset of effects but quicker elimination from the body compared to edible gummies or topical application.

4. Metabolism

Marijuana is eliminated from the body by normal bodily functions.

An individual with a high metabolism will tend to eliminate marijuana and its active metabolite, THC, far more quickly than an individual with a slower metabolism.

If you have a high metabolism, your detection window is likely to be far shorter.

5. Body Fat

THC metabolites are fat-soluble, which means marijuana binds to the fat molecules in your body is stored in your fatty cells. The more fat you have.. the longer it takes to get clean...

Obese people with higher body fat concentrations metabolize marijuana slower than thinner ones.

6. Human Genetics

Genetics is one of the few detection factors that you can do nothing about, since they are inherent to your body.

Some bodies have more drug-metabolizing enzymes compared to others.

People who lack this enzyme are expected to have longer detection times.

7. Body Health

Medical conditions, such as liver or kidney dysfunction, can lead to a prolonged retention of THC in the body.

The compromised filtering capacity of these essential organs results in slower removal of THC and its metabolites.

8. Types of Drug Tests

The type of drug test used also plays a role. Cannabis metabolites usually have a shorter window of detection in blood or saliva samples.

Urine and hair samples may show evidence of cannabis use several months after the fact. The longest reported detection times are more than 90 days.

The 4 common Ways to Detect THC In the Human Body

A drug test will test for THC and its metabolites, 11-OH-THC and 11-COOH-THC.

There are currently four ways to screen for THC or its metabolites: urine, saliva, blood, and hair tests.

1. Saliva Test

The mouth swab provides a quick, non-invasive drug test.

THC can be found in saliva shortly after consumption and might remain detectable for up to 24 hours, but less than 48 hours for sure.

2. Blood Test

For users who use weed pens less than two times a week, this test can detect marijuana in your bloodstream after 3 to 7 days of use.

However, for habitual THC users, blood tests could detect THC even 30 days post-consumption.

3. Urine Test

This is the most frequently used test for detecting marijuana in your body or system.

It can detect THC in human urine within 3 days in infrequent users and up to 14 days in regular users.

Long-term chronic users keep traces of THC in their urine for 30 to 60 day after the last use.

4. Hair Test

THC can be detected in hair follicles for up to 90 days.

Hair test is most reliable for daily or near-daily users but is not able to detect light cannabis consumption.

How to get THC out of your System?

Whether you're trying to pass a drug test or just looking to speed up the detoxification process, There are many ways to clear your system of THC.

1. Exercise

THC is stored in fat cells, As you exercise, your body breaks down fat, releasing stored THC molecules into your bloodstream, and speeds up how fast it gets rid of THC.

However, if one exercises too close to a drug testing schedule, it might temporarily increase THC levels in the blood and urine, leading to a high possibility of failing drug tests.

2. Drink More Water

If you’re trying to have a negative result in your Urine drug test, you might want to drink a lot of water to help your body decrease the concentration of THC.

The more water your body has, the faster it can metabolize cannabinoids. This helps eliminate the THC and its metabolites in your urine.

3.Increase Fiber Intake

In addition to increasing urine production, you also need to stimulate bowel movements, allowing THC and its metabolites to leave the body alongside your bodily waste.

Cut down on fatty foods, which can negatively impact the detoxing process and increase your consumption of fruits, vegetables, beans, and pulses.


After you use a weed pen, THC may be test positive in your system for about 30 days, depending on how frequently you use THC, the testing method, and other factors.

Determining the exact time is virtually impossible. The more often you vape, the higher the strength or the longer you’ve been vaping, the longer it will take before you can pass a urine test.

Ultimately there is no way to guarantee a clean drug test if you take cannabis, but unfortunately, that is the risk we agreed to bear.

Your best bet to eliminate all traces of THC from your body is tostop the use of cannabis altogether. Exercise, Drink more Water and Increase Fiber Intake can also help.