How Much Water To Put In A Dab Rig?


How Much Water To Put In A Dab Rig?

If you're new to dab rigs, you might be wondering how much water to use for the best smoking experience.

The amount of water affects airflow, filtration, and the overall smoothness of your hits.

In this blog, we'll explore the ideal water level for your dab rig, and discuss how to find that perfect balance.

What Is A Dab Rig?

smoke dab rig

A dab rig, often referred to as an oil rig, is a specialized water pipe designed for consuming cannabis concentrates.

Unlike traditional bongs, dab rigs feature a nail or banger that is heated to vaporize the concentrates, resulting in smoother and more flavorful hits.

The act of consuming these concentrates is known as dabbing, and the concentrates themselves such as wax, budder, and shatter are commonly referred to as dabs.

How To Consider The Perfect Water Level?

1. Rig Type

Different rigs have unique designs, including percolation and diffusion systems, which may need specific water levels.

Familiarize yourself with your rig's design and the manufacturer's recommendations.

2. Rig Size

Larger rigs need more water, while smaller ones need less.

Aim for enough water for proper diffusion and filtration without affecting functionality or causing leaks.

3. Percolator Type

Rigs with one or multiple percolators require adjusted water levels for proper filtration.

Avoid too much water to prevent splashback.

4. Personal Preference

Personal preference determines the water level.

Experiment to find the balance between smoother hits and flavor intensity that suits you.

Disadvantages Of Underfilling and Overfilling

Underfilling and Overfilling


Splashback: A high water level can cause the dab to splash up and potentially reach your mouth, leading to an unpleasant experience and possibly inhaling water.

Potential Damage to the Rig: High water levels risk reaching sensitive parts like the joint or electronics (in electronic rigs), leading to damage and a shortened rig lifespan.

Difficulty Drawing Smoke: Too much water makes it tougher to pull smoke due to increased resistance. This can stress your lungs and reduce smoking pleasure.

Reduced Smoke Volume: Overfilling your dab rig limits the smoke you inhale per hit. The extra water occupies space, reducing room for smoke. This can result in weaker, less satisfying hits despite more effort.


Inefficient Filtration: Insufficient water limits the rig's ability to filter and cool down the vapor, resulting in hotter and harsher hits.

Loss of Flavor: Underfilling can also impact the flavor, resulting in a harsh or burnt taste due to the lack of adequate water.

Potential Damage to the Rig: Underfilling can lead to damage if the heat source comes into direct contact with the glass or other materials due to the low water level.

How Much Water To Put In A Dab Rig?

Perfect Water Level

For a dab rig, a bit less water is generally better—just enough to cover the bottom of the downstem or percolator holes.

This level provides sufficient water for filtration while minimizing the risk of overflow.

If your rig includes a percolator, fill it just enough to cover the percolator slits.

You may need to experiment with the water level to find the optimal balance for smooth hits.

For electronic dab rigs (e-rigs), it's essential to follow the specific water level guidelines provided in the user manual.

Adhering to these recommendations ensures optimal performance and helps prevent potential damage to the device.

The key is to have enough water for effective filtration and percolation without causing splashback during inhalation.

After filling, take a gentle draw from the mouthpiece to check for any water coming through.

If you taste water, you've overfilled the chamber.

Adjust the water level to find the right balance between filtration and airflow.

Remember, experimentation is important!

Feel free to adjust the water level according to your rig's design and your personal preferences for the best experience.

How Often Should You Replace Your Dab Rig Water?

For the healthiest and tastiest experience, it's essential to change the water in your dab rig after every 1 to 3 sessions.

Avoid leaving water in your rig between uses, while it may seem inconvenient to refill it each time, doing so ensures you get the cleanest smoke possible.

Regularly replacing the water helps prevent mold and mildew from building up.

By frequently adding fresh water, you'll not only enjoy a better smoking experience but also reduce the need for extensive cleaning of your dab rig, leading to a healthier overall setup.


Keep in mind that the ideal water level can vary based on your dab rig's size, shape, and percolator design.

Experimenting with different water levels will help you find the sweet spot that delivers smooth, cool hits with optimal filtration and minimal resistance.

To maintain your dab rig's performance, change the water regularly and clean it thoroughly every few weeks.

This will prevent the buildup of bacteria, residue, and unpleasant odors, ensuring each hit tastes clean and fresh.