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How To Clean A Silicone Dab Rig?


How To Clean A Silicone Dab Rig

The cleaning methods for silicone dab rigs differ significantly from those of glass dab rigs. 

Solvents are not suitable for silicone as they can corrode its surface. 

Consequently, you cannot simply soak silicone bongs in cleaners or solvents like you would with glass ones. 

There are ideal ways to clean silicone dab rigs, and also some more practical aspects that make the process easier.

In today’s article, we’ll go through a few tricks that have been tested and proved to be very efficient when it comes to cleaning your silicone dab rig after use.

How Often Should You Clean Your Silicone Dab Rig?

I would advise cleaning your silicone dab rigs thoroughly every time after use

Initially, it might not seem crucial, akin to leaving dishes unwashed. 

However, allowing them to remain unclean for a few days and then attempting to use them again will undoubtedly result in an unpleasant odor that can significantly detract from your upcoming dabbing or smoking experience.

If you are cleaning glass dab rigs, check out this article: How to Clean a Dab Rig?


How To Clean A Silicone Dab Rig?

Method 1: Boiling Method

The boiling method is an efficient way to remove stubborn dirt from the dab rig. 

Below are the detailed cleaning steps:

Step 1: Disassemble The Silicone Dab Rig Components

First, carefully separate the parts of the silicone dab rig. 

Remove the downstem and dab rig, and set aside glass nails or other non-silicone parts separately for subsequent handling.

Step 2: Initial Cleaning of Silicone Parts

Use a soft-bristled brush and warm water mixed with a small amount of soap to perform an initial cleaning of the silicone dab rig. 

This step is designed to remove dust and light dirt from the surface in preparation for subsequent deep cleaning.

Step 3: Prepare Boiling Water

Fill a large pot with enough water to cover the water, place it on the stovetop, and turn the heat to high. 

Once the water comes to a boil, reduce the heat to a simmer to ensure the water temperature is stable and high enough to soften and separate stubborn dirt.

Step 4: Soak Silicone Dab Rig

Wearing rubber gloves to prevent burns, carefully immerse the silicone dab rig and the heat-resistant silicone parts slowly into the boiling water.

Make sure they are completely submerged and let them sit for about 10 minutes. 

During this process, you may observe a black or dark-colored tar-like substance floating on the surface of the water, which is a sign that the dirt has been effectively broken down.

Step 5: Rinse The Dab Rig Thoroughly

Remove the dab rig from the boiling water and quickly move it to the sink. 

Use the hot water to rinse the dab rig from all angles, especially the dab rig and downstem, which are prone to harboring dirt. 

You can also pour clean, hot water into the dab rig and pour it down from above to ensure that any remaining resin and dirt are thoroughly rinsed away.

Step 6: Dry Naturally

Finally, dry your clean dab rig in a well-ventilated area out of direct sunlight, such as an indoor cabinet or closet. 

This will prevent the silicone from deteriorating due to heat or UV exposure, and ensure that the dab rig is completely dry and ready for the next use.

Method 2: Freezing Method

Step 1: Disassemble and Separate Parts

Carefully separate the silicone and non-silicone parts of your dab rig. 

Wash non-silicone components with warm soapy water and set aside to dry.

Step 2: Dry the Silicone Parts

Ensure the silicone parts are completely dry to prevent moisture damage during freezing.

Step 3: Enclose in Ziplock Bag

Place the dried silicone dab rig inside a sealed ziplock bag to prevent moisture entry.

Step 4: Freeze for Several Hours

Transfer the bag to the freezer and let it sit for at least four hours or overnight. This hardens resins and residue.

Step 5: Remove and Scrape Off Resins

After freezing, carefully remove the dab rig from the bag and freezer. 

Use a plastic scraper or blunt tool to gently chip off the hardened resins.

Step 6: Rinse and Dry

Rinse the silicone dab rig with warm water to remove any leftover residue. 

Dry it with a towel or let it air-dry before reassembling and using it.


Method 3: Vinegar And Baking Soda Method

Here's how to clean a dab rig using vinegar and baking soda:

  1. Fill the dab rig with vinegar. Use more vinegar than the amount of water you would normally have in the rig.
  2. Add half a cup of baking soda to the dab rig using a funnel to ensure it gets into the neck.
  3. Let the mixture soak for at least an hour.
  4. After that, cover the holes with your fingers and shake the rig vigorously.
  5. For extra stubborn areas, use a cotton swab with baking soda.
  6. Rinse thoroughly with warm water to remove all traces of vinegar and baking soda.
  7. If you have trouble getting rid of the flavor or want to slow bacterial growth inside the rig, add lemon juice.


By adhering to these tips and tricks, you'll be on the right path to keeping your silicone dab rig sparkling clean. 

You'll be able to enjoy smoother and more flavorful pulls, ultimately enhancing your smoking experience to new heights. 

So, dear bong enthusiasts, go ahead and clean your pipes with pride. 

Keep in mind that a clean bong brings happiness, and a happy bong makes for a contented smoker. 

May your puffs always be smooth and your smoking sessions always be blissful.