How to Take a Dab Without a Rig? 8 Alternatives

The convenience and advanced features of E-rigs make them ideal for both beginners and experienced Dabbers, but what if you are in a remote location at the moment and you don't have one of these devices at the moment, what do you do, don't panic, about this post tells 8 alternative methods.
What is a Dab Rig?
A dab rig is a compact glass device designed specifically for vaping cannabis concentrates rather than dry herb, featuring an upright ground joint to keep the heating element, or "nail," away from the main body, minimizing vapor loss and offering various styles, from simple dab straws to advanced electronic rigs.
How to Take a Dab Without a Rig? 8 Best Alternative Ways?
If you're looking for a way to enjoy concentrated cannabis products without using a traditional dab rig, then you've come to the right place.
While a dab rig is the tool of choice for vaporizing and inhaling concentrated extracts, sometimes we may not have them or want to try a different method.
Here are some alternatives to enjoy the wonderful experience of dabs without a dab rig.
1. Dab Pens
These are portable electronic devices designed to vaporize concentrates.
They often have a heating chamber that you can load your concentrate into.
Simply turn on the device, wait for it to heat up, and then inhale.
2. Nectar Collectors
Nectar collectors, or dab and honey straws, are vertical and small-sized dab rigs with a tube-like design that are easy to carry around and disassemble when needed.
You can use them to dab concentrates of all types.
Simply, you can heat the tip of the nectar collector, then apply the tip to the concentrate and breathe in.
Electric nectar collectors work similarly, but you don't have to heat the tip. They also have adjustable temperature settings to control the quality of the vapor.
3. Spoon Dabs
If you have a small, clean metal spoon, you can heat the bottom of the spoon with a torch and then place the concentrate on the heated surface.
Inhale the vapor through the spoon's handle.
4. Tin Foil Dabs
Similar to spoon dabs, you can use a small piece of tin foil, heat it with a torch, and then place the concentrate on it.
Inhale the vapor through a hole you poke in the foil.
5. Bowl Dabs
If you have a bong or pipe, you can place small amounts of concentrate directly into the bowl with the dry flower.
Then light and hit as usual. The dabs will melt into the bowl and then vaporize as the bowl smolders and is smoked.
6. Joint Infusion
If you have rolling papers and dry flowers, you can add that extra kick of your dabs to the experience.
Roll a joint or blunt and top with concentrate before smoking.
7. Hot Knives
Heat a knife and place a concentrate on it for vaporization.
This can be pretty wasteful, however, since it will quickly dissipate in the open air.
You can deal with this by inhaling the smoke through the top half of a plastic soda bottle.
8. Edibles
While it is most often used as a dab, or to inhale or vaporize, shatter can be decarbed and used in edibles.
Before you can make wax edibles, you must first infuse the concentrate into a butter or oil that you can cook with.
How To Make a Homemade Dab Rig
Sometimes you can not find dab rig d alternatives, and this time, we can only give full play to everyone's ingenuity, and their own production, the following I introduce to you a common method, the details of the homemade, you can see our other blog-How To Make A Homemade Dab Rig?
Materials Needed
To make a homemade dab rig, you will need:
- A titanium nail
- Torch
- Mason jar with lid
- Aluminum foil
- A pen
The first step is to get your mason jar with a lid. Next, drill two holes in the lid, directly opposite each other.
Take a piece of aluminum foil and wrap it around a pen, then insert it through one of the holes in the lid – this will act as the down stem.
Insert the titanium nail into the foiled-down stem. You can also wrap foil around the area where the nail meets the lid; this is where you would normally use glue or silicone.
In the other hole, insert a bendy straw to serve as the water pipe, and wrap some foil around it to make it airtight.
After assembling all these parts, fill the jar with water and your favorite concentrate, then heat it up.
In fact, regardless of whether the use of alternatives or homemade, ours is to allow you to have more options for sucking dab rig way so that you have a good dining experience!