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Why does Vaping Make me Cough? How to Get Rid of It?


Because vaping don't produce harmful smoke like smoking cigarettes do, some people think it's safe.

However, Coughing is one common side effect of vaping, most people do so, especially among new vapers.

This may knock you back, completely ruin the experience and make you stop vaping.

Although it can be alarming, In most cases, the coughing is nothing to worry about, it will soon subside and there are ways to alleviate the problem.

In this article, we will demystify the reasons behind why vaping can make you cough and offer solutions to get rid of it that towards a smooth, pleasurable vaping experience.

What is Vaping?

Vaping is a popular alternative to smoking that uses an electronic device to heat e-liquids or vape juice and produce vapour that is then inhaled.

Different vape devices have slightly different components, but every device will contain a battery, an atomizer, a tank or cartridge, and will need e-liquid to run.

Some vapes are made to look like regular cigarettes or may resemble pens, USB sticks, and other everyday items.

E-liquids or vape juice are made up of several components, including propylene glycol (PG), vegetable glycerin (VG), nicotine, and flavourings.

PG and VG are used to create the base of the e-liquid, while nicotine and flavourings are added to create the desired taste and strength.

More info about vaping: What is Vaping? Benefits? Side Effects? How does it Work?

Why Does Vaping Make Me Cough? How to Get Rid of it?

Experiencing an overwhelming cough and a burning sensation in your throat when vaping can be distressing. Several factors can contribute to these symptoms.

Below also have some solutions that might help treat your cough so you can get eid of it and enjoy the benefits of vaping.

1. New to Vaping

Many vapers find that they cough when they take their first puffs. This can be disconcerting but is entirely normal.

When you vaping, the heat from the vapor can irritate the linings of your throat and lungs.

This irritation often triggers your body's cough reflex, a natural defense designed to clear the airways.


Don't worry! these coughing fits are often temporary. It’s a new experience if you have never vaping and smoking before—the body and respiratory system needs time to adapt.

You should find that after a few days of vaping, everything settles down because your body will have become used to the vapor.

2. Cilia Restoration

Some new vapers start coughing because they have recently quit smoking and their lungs are in the repair phase. Anything entering your lungs could act as an irritant, triggering a cough.

The human lungs contain trillions of hair-like structures called cilia. These tiny organelles keep the lungs clear by sifting out mucus, dust particles, and other debris.

Tobacco smoke paralyzes and destroys cilia. The good news is that cilia damage is reversible if you quit smoking.

However, you could experience irritation as the cilia regrow, potentially leading to a cough. This happens to people who quit smoking whether they vape or not.


You should find that after a few days of vaping, everything settles down because your lungs will have finished the repair process and your body will have become used to the vapor.

3. Inhale Incorrectly

There are two different ways to inhale a vape: mouth-to-lung (MTL) and direct to lung (DTL).

MTL: Lightly inhale, briefly park the vapor in the mouth, then take it into the lungs and exhale.

DTL: Similar to taking a very deep breath, Inhale directly into the lungs and exhale.

DTL inhaling may cause more coughing due to the larger amount of vapor inhaled, while MTL inhaling may be less irritating to the throat.

Inhaling too deeply or rapidly can overwhelm the respiratory system, leading to coughing.


Try to adjust your vaping technique from DTL to MTL. This will also help you get the most out of your e-liquid.

Use long and slow breaths to take the vape air in. Just relax, take a deep breath and let it flow freely.

Don’t Chain Vape, have a rest between puffs.

4. High PG Content

Propylene glycol (PG) is one of the main ingredients in e-liquid. Together with vegetable glycerin (VG), constitutes approximately 80% of your typical e-liquid composition.

If you’ve heard of 50/50 vape juice, that’s referring to the ratio of these ingredients (50% VG and 50% PG).

PG’s role is to carry the flavour and provide a throat hit which mimics the sensation you get when you smoke, but it is known to irritate the throat. This can result in the user coughing.

In addition, Around 10% people experience mild allergic reactions to it and can't vape PG. A PG sensitivity can manifest as a sore throat, a cough, a dry mouth, gum problems, and more.


Choose a juice that contains a lower PG ratio (20:80 or 30:70).

For example, if you're using a 50/50 (VG/PG) juice it might help to change to a 70/30 juice to reduce the throat hit as VG is smoother than PG.

Just remember you’ll need a higher-powered, sub-ohm device as VG has a more viscous consistency.

5. Type of Nicotine

Nicotine comes in two forms: freebase nicotine and Nicotine salts .

Over the past few years, nicotine salts have become available as an alternative to classic freebase nicotine.

Freebase nicotine is a pure/base form, thus making it very potent. Since it has a high pH, it can feel harsh when inhaled. As such, many who use freebase nicotine often develop vapers’ cough.

Nicotine salts consist of benzoic acid, which decreases the pH level of the nicotine solution, making it neutralized. This produces a less harsh throat hit for nicotine at higher concentrations compared to freebase nicotine.


if you’re using regular, freebase nicotine, try nic salts as these are notably smoother and allow you to vape stronger juice while avoiding the usual harshness.

6. High Nicotine Strength

Nicotine has a harsh peppery taste, A higher nicotine level, especially in freebase nicotine type, could irritate your throat, lead to a harsher vape, and an increased likelihood of coughing.

If you’re an experienced vaper and you’ve tried a zero nicotine e-liquid, you’ll have noticed that the throat hit is much reduced.


Try switching to a lower concentration or to an e-liquid with no nicotine in it at all.

You could also consider switching to nicotine salts for a smoother experience.

7. Poor-Quality E-Liquid

Purchasing good-quality e-liquids is one of the most important things if you want an enjoyable vaping experience.

Substandard liquids are made using substandard ingredients, and if you’re not careful these can start to take their toll on your respiratory system.

Certain harmful, unregulated flavorings and additives in vape liquid may also contribute to throat irritation, dryness, or allergic reactions. These include:

Diacetyl: This food additive, used to deepen e-cigarette flavors, is known to damage small passageways in the lungs.

Formaldehyde: This toxic chemical can irritate your throat, cause lung disease and contribute to heart disease.

Acrolein: Most often used as a weed killer, this chemical can also damage lungs.


The only way to avoid this is by purchasing your e-liquid from a trusted, reputable seller or brand.

High-quality, simple ingredient lists can make a significant difference in how enjoyable your vaping experience is.

8. Wattage and temp Too High

The power setting will determine the amount of vapor and heat in every puff. Incorrect settings can contribute to throat discomfort.

Higher Wattage will create bigger clouds, thus adding the amount of vapour you’re inhaling.

Hotter vapor at higher temperatures can exacerbate throat irritation and dry mouth, leading to coughing and breathing difficulties.


Ensure your vaping device is set to an appropriate wattage and temperature for your chosen e-liquid and coil.

If you’ve got the power cranked up, try turning it down and you might see the coughing clear up.

If your vaping device offers adjustable airflow, try restricting the airflow. This will reduce the amount of vapor you’re inhaling, which may help alleviate your cough.

9. Dehydration

Typically, you get a dry cough from vaping due to the way water is attracted to the ingredients of PG and VG in vape juice.

A minor side of this can be dehydration and occasionally a sore or dry throat, which may contribute to coughing.


Drink more water before and after your vaping sessions.

This will also help to soothe the throat if it’s become inflamed due to a persistent cough, so be sure to keep your water topped up.

10. Low-Quality or Burnt Coils

Some vape devices bought from local markets will have its downside,which includes poor atomizers which will leave huge smoke particles which will be left without properly getting heated and vaporised.

Person who vape this e liquid will leave a residue inside his lungs,which will worsen if the vape kit isnt changed.

Additionally, Vaping on burnt coils could irritate the throat, leading to coughing.


Buy atomizers and vape kits from trusted suppliers and brands.

Maintain your device regularly, like replace the coils if necessary, to ensure it functions properly.


While vaping can be a safe and enjoyable alternative to smoking, it is important for users to be aware of the potential risks and to take steps to minimise them.

In this post, we shed light on what causes vaper’s cough and the measures you can take to address it.

In the event you develop vaper’s cough, sweep through the items on this list and try to establish the underlying cause. More often than not, your answer will come from one of these solutions.

By focusing on the ingredients of your vape juice, the settings of your device, your inhalation technique and more, you can significantly help reduce the issues that make you cough and enhance the benefits of vaping.

If you’re experiencing coughing and more symptoms,its better to stop vaping for a while until you get healed and consult a doctor if the condition is getting serious.