Embrace the high-society corner of the cannabis world with Your Highness glass bongs. You'll get the royal experience of weed smoking with this 19-inch bong that oozes class and offers impressive smoke filtration that's unrivaled.
The action starts in the heavy-duty pinched bowl. Light your herb there and watch as it's drawn down through an 11-arm sprinkler perc, creating a rush of bubbles and whipping your smoke into clean, purified perfection
It doesn't stop there: The smoke immediately passes through three honeycomb perc-containing mini chambers for even more cooling and smoke dispersion. Then come the recycler tubes, passing the smoke into connecting chambers and circulating it for a hit that's smoother on the throat. To crown off this royal highness experience is the ice pinch, which lets you add extra crispness to the flawlessly conditioned smoke. This ice bong is a cool operator.
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