Brass cigar pin, draw tool, and nubber for smoking enthusiasts.
Cigar pins, also called cigar nubbers or cigar needles, are a cigar accessory that looks like a lin pointed tool. These are commonly used by experienced aficionados who want to enjoy every part of their fine stogies right down to the last draw.
Using a cigar nubber allows you to pierce the last couple inches of the cigar and smoke the last third of the cigar in comfort without the risk of burning your fingers and helps maintain the shape right to the very end.
The tool can also be used as a cigar poker to help improve the draw on a tightly rolled cigar. The shaft of this cigar pin has a twisted thread-like pattern allowing it to screw into the shaft of the cigar, and when removed, it will take with it a little of the tightly packed tobacco. Using the cigar draw this way will allow movement for the surrounding tightly packed tobacco and loosen the draw.
Material: Brass
Packing: OPP Bag Packing
Packing List:
1*Cigar Needle Punch
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